
Behind the scenes trade fair preparations.

An insight into the work on the HOOTS demonstrator.

Ortsnetztransformator mit HOOTS Trafo-Monitoring Demonstrator für Messen

Our preparations for the next two trade fairs are currently in full swing and we are working intensively on the highlight of our exhibition stand. For this purpose, we are currently testing the various installation options of the HTM-100 on our demo transformer.

What can you expect at our exhibition stands? In addition to an insight into our modern hardware and software solution for monitoring local network transformers and intensive technical discussions with our team, we want to offer visitors a unique change of perspective.

Because if you want to maintain your transformer in the best possible way, you have to take a closer look, or more precisely: look into it. In particular because the condition, temperature and temperature development of transformer oil are significant indicators for the health of the transformer. A precise analysis of these measured values can therefore make potential damage visible at an early stage.

You can find out how to build up a long-term data basis for such analyses, as well as further information on topics and questions relating to monitoring critical infrastructure, when you visit us at E-world energy & water (Hall 5, Booth E134) or the Electrical Engineering Trade Fair (Hall 4, Booth B32). We are looking forward to getting to know you, as well as to intensive discussions and new suggestions.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity to visit us at one of the two trade fairs but don't have a ticket, please send us an email (aninfo@hoots.de) or a direct message on LinkedIn (HOOTS sensor systems). We can help you not miss out on this unique experience.

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