From automotive to industrial sensors

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Our journey began in 2017 with our first sensors in the automotive sector. Today, we are developing IoT sensor solutions that make the power grid and transformer infrastructure measurable and sustainable.

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Hoots was founded as a start-up that specialized in the development of high-precision sensors for the automotive sector. These beginnings laid the foundation for our current expertise in sensor technology. With a deep understanding of tailor-made solutions and a strong focus on quality “Made in Germany”, Hoots has developed into an experienced provider in sensor technology.

We develop high-precision hardware and software for retrofittable remote monitoring of transformers to support the digitization of energy supply. Our solutions enable efficient and proactive maintenance.

Together, we are working to overcome the challenges of the energy industry and to set new standards time and again.

Your contacts

Portrait des CEO von Hoots, Dr. Henry Kutz.

Dr. Henry Kutz

Portait des Head of Sales bei Hoots, Torsten Legler.
Head of Sales
Torsten Legler
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