Ihre Herausforderung, unsere Lösung

Erstgespräch buchen

Unsere nachrüstbare Sensorlösung für Transformatoren revolutionieren das Infrastrukturmonitoring - intuitiv, kostengünstig, digital.

Die Revolution der Trafo-Überwachung

Das smarte Trafomonitoring System HTM-100 ermöglicht die Fernüberwachung ihrer Transformatoren. Egal ob einzeln oder im Verbund. Dank präziser Messdaten haben sie den Zustand ihrer Transformatoren stetig im Blick.

Finden Sie heraus, welche konkreten Vorteile Hoots für Ihren Use-Case bietet.

Power grid operators
They ensure that the lights are on, the smartphone is charging and the underground gets to its destination. We provide you with transformer data - anytime, anywhere.
They guarantee stability, durability and customer satisfaction. We make sure that you recognise problems before they arise.
You produce, develop and improve - we give you the data to take your product to the next level.
Your production processes demand maximum reliability - we monitor your transformers so that your production never comes to a standstill.
Further Applications
Your applications require absolute reliability - we provide the data that stabilises your processes.
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